Sunday, January 23, 2022

January 17th to 21st


If you have a moment can you please check and ensure that your child has the correct cardigan at home?  We have a student who has misplaced hers and her name is on the tag.  She had it last Monday for formal uniform day but now is unable to locate it.  We have searched in the classroom and lost and found.  Thank you :)

Here is what we are working on last week at school

Language Arts 

Writing - Instructional writing.  Students were learning the structure of instructional writing and how to use transitional words between ideas.  As a class we came up with how to play snakes and ladders.  Students were asked to choose their own game to write the instructions for using steps.  We will be transitioning this week to writing in a paragraph form.

Reading - Students are continuing with literacy centres and at least one session of guided reading a week with a teacher.  We have been focusing on retelling and making predictions are we read.


We are continuing to work on double digit addition and subtraction both with and without grouping.  We have been using base ten blocks.  As students are ready they have also been taught the stacked method.  

Students are reminded to work with ones places first in case they need to regroup and then move to the tens place after.

We also working on collecting data and creating pictographs this week.

Social Studies

This week we focused on the traditions and cultures that are found in Saskatoon.  Students were excited to learn about Pysanky Eggs as part of the Ukraine culture.  Next week students will be drawing, using pastel and paints to create their own symbolic egg.


We are continuing with our hot and cold unit.  Students learned humans and other warm-blooded mammals have a constant body temperature and that a change in temperature can indicate a change in health.  Students also read and coloured in thermometers to indicate different temperatures.  This next week we will explore how cold-blooded animals stay warm or cool as well as how temperature varies throughout the school. 

As always please reach out if you have any questions.

Mrs. Coulling 

Friday, January 14, 2022

Willy Wonka Play

LRD will be putting on a production of Willy Wonka this Spring.  Please see the attached notice below if your child is interested in having a speaking role in the play.  Room 17 will be auditioning Monday January 17th at lunch.

Link to letter here 

If your child was at school this week we had a conversation about this and I sent home this letter to the students that were interested.


January 10th to 14th


It was so nice to see all the students and we back in person at school this week.  Students settled well back into routines and expectations.  

This is what we are currently working on 

Writing - We have finished our walking story unit and have moved on to instructional writing.  This week we looked at a book called "How to Lose All Your Friends" and did some brainstorming about that topic.  Students enjoyed this silly book and thinking about all of the different ways that you could lose your friends.

Math - we have been practicing two digit addition and subtraction with and without regrouping.  This week we focused on using base ten blocks to help the students understand when they need to regroup and when they do not.

We also have been looking at reading and interpreting pictographs.  Next week students will be conducting a survey, collecting the data and making a pictograph to display their data.

Science - We have started our new unit Hot and Cold.  We did some comparing using the terms hotter than and colder than and got to test out some thermometers in different temperatures of water to see what happened.

Social Studies - We have started looking at our third community of study - Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.  We focused on the geography this week.  Next week, we will look at the early days of Saskatoon.

Character - Our focus for the next month or so will be on kindness.

Have a great weekend,

Mrs. Coulling 


Sunday, January 9, 2022

Looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow.


I am looking forward to returning to in person learning tomorrow Monday, January 10th, 2022.

I can't wait to hear about your breaks and what you have all been up to for the past three weeks.

I have posted Homework 13 on the homework tab.  It is due this Friday, January 14th.  The spelling test for the homework 13 will also be this Friday.

Due to the fact that we were not in school last week there will be no test on the homework 12 spelling words.


Mrs. Coulling

Sunday, January 2, 2022

School Starts Monday, January 10th, 2022


I hope that you all had a wonderful break!  I am looking forward to seeing you on Monday, January 10th, 2022.  There is no school and no online learning for the week of January 4th to 7th.  Students can work on the homework that was posted and is due January 7th as well as mathletics and Raz Kids.  

I hope you are all staying safe during this time,

Mrs. Coulling