Friday, February 25, 2022

February 25th Updates


I hope that you are all doing well.  We are happy here at school to see that the temperature will be warming up again.  It is hard to believe that is is March already next week!

I am still looking for at least one more parent volunteer for next Wednesday March 2nd for Teacher's Pet Exploring Liquids.  This is our in school field trip.  Our class has our session from 9 to 11 am so it would be a commitment of 8:45 to 11:00.  If you have a current police clearance and are available please email me.  Thanks.

Homework - just a reminder to use the checklist at the beginning of the homework posted to ensure that your child is completing all of the necessary components.  Quite a few students missed writing about how they built their insulator this week.  Thanks.

What have we been up to in room 17?

Social Studies.  We did some art about the Saskatoon landscape in the past 2 weeks.  Please see below.

We have finished talking about Saskatoon individually.   We are now working on a review and comparison of the three different communities.  We will be working in partners next week on a google slide show presentation about one aspect studies such as climate in Meteghan or natural resources in Saskatoon etc.


We are finishing up our Hot and Cold unit.  

Here is a picture of the different insulators brought in today.

We will be having a review of the unit on Monday so students can show me what they know and then we are moving on to our new unit Exploring Liquids.


We have been doing some number sense review this week and continuing with double digit addition and subtraction.   It has been part of the homework for the last two weeks so you can check if your child is understanding or continues to need to practice this skill.

Language Arts 

We have continued exploring Instructional writing.  Students chose an animal and did some research about it.  They then wrote in the perspective of the animal.  We worked on editing and they will be making a good copy next week.

In reading students have been continuing to build their decoding, fluency, and comprehension.  We have been talking about making connections as we read.

Please reach out at any time if you have questions,

Mrs. Coulling  

Friday, February 11, 2022

February 7th to 11th


What a fast week it was.  Students are very excited about the short week and Valentines Day coming up.  If your child is wanting to bring Valentine cards on Monday the list of first names is posted below, please ensure that they have one for every student.  Monday is also casual day and students can wear red, pink or purple or other casual clothes.  

I am still in need of 2 parent volunteers for Teacher's Pet our Exploring Liquids in school field trip.  See below.  Please email me if you are able to join us.  Thank you.

Next week is a short week for students.  We only have school Monday to Wednesday and then it is Teacher's Convention.  Due to this and the fact that we are asking students to complete a Science project at home the homework posted on Sunday will be a two week assignment and due Friday February 25th.  There will be no homework due or spelling test next week.

We had a busy week.  This week in math we did centres which allowed me to sit with all of the students in a small group and check in on their 2 digit addition and subtraction and problem solving.  Many students have this concept and others are still struggling with regrouping.  This will be the math assignment in the homework.

In Science we talked about the role of insulation and how homes are heated with a furnace or a boiler.

In Language Arts students practiced writing how to tips to elevate their instructional writing.  Next week they will be doing some expert writing on an animal of their choosing.

In Social Studies, we are finishing up with Saskatoon.  We will be completing an art project next week.  We will also do a review of our three communities - Meteghan, Iqaluit and Sasktoon.

Have a great weekend,

Mrs. Coulling 

Friday, February 4, 2022

February 1st to 4th

 Hello Parents,

It has been another busy week at school.

Please see the posts below about parent volunteers needed on March 2nd from 9:00 to 11:00 am and Valentine's Day.

Here is what we have been working on at school:

Math - we continued to work on double digit addition and subtraction.  Students have a pretty good grasp on the addition now.  Subtraction is a still a challenge for some of the students.  If your child is having a hard time you could practice with them by giving them 2 digit numbers to add and subtract.  We are focusing on using the stacking method now that they have an understanding of regrouping - one ten is equal to ten ones.

Social Studies - we are still looking at Saskatoon.  Specifically the natural resources, goods and services available there.

Science - We are still working on the unit Hot and Cold.  This week we learned about how the school is heated through a boiler.  Students are also doing some research about how animals are able to survive in winter - what adaptations do they have? 

Language Arts - We are continuing to explore instructional writing.  This week students wrote about how to be a good friend.  We also looked at action words associated with certain tasks.  For example action words for making pancakes - flip, mix, pour, scoop, serve.

In reading we are looking at making inferences.  

We have also started talking about Black History Month.  Today we learned a little bit about Rosa Parks. 

In Character we are working on kindness.  All of LRD is adding one thing a day to a pink heart.  Something that made the smile, when someone showed them kindness, something that was positive, etc.  

Have a good weekend,

Mrs. Coulling 

Valentines Day


As you know Valentine's Day is coming up on Monday February 14th.  This will be a casual day and students can wear red, pink and purple for the day.  If your child would like to bring Valentines for the class they are asked to bring one for every student.  The list of first names of students in the class is below.  We will be making a special container for them to collect them in.  Students are not allowed to bring food items to share at this time.  If you would to send your child a special snack that day please do.
























Mrs. Coulling 

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

In School Field Trip Volunteers Needed


Upcoming FIELD TRIP - Teacher's Pet (Exploring Liquids)

Good morning everyone,

Volunteers needed!  If you would like to come enjoy a couple hours of SCIENCE - EXPLORING LIQUIDS with us, please email me asap.  We are asking for PARENT VOLUNTEERS (4 if possible) and it will be held here in our classroom at school.

Topic:  Teacher's Pet - Exploring Liquids (Science)

Where:  In our classroom at school

When:  Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Time:  9:00am - 11:00am

Hope you are able to join us and learn with us, too!  Thank you for your continued support in our learning!  Please make sure you have your school clearance as well as your police clearance completed in order to participate, thank you in advance.