Friday, March 18, 2022

March 14th to 18th

First of all I hope that all of you have a great Spring Break and enjoy the time with your family.  Looks like we are going to have some great Spring weather.

We are back on Monday March 28th and we have a special guest coming that day to work with us on some felt art.  I have 4 volunteers but I can have one more if you would like to volunteer and have your current volunteer clearance please let me know.  Our time is 9:00 to 11:00.

There will be no homework posted for Spring Break.  Homework will be posted Sunday, March 27th and due Friday, April 1st.   I sent home a copy of our class photo in your child's homework folder today.

We had a fun week at school.  Here is what we were up to:

In Science we have continue to explore water and other liquids.  On Monday, we looked at different mystery liquids to see if we could identify them.  On Tuesday we raced different liquids down a cookie sheet and discussed viscosity.  Students also got to explore water droplets using medicine or eye droppers.  You can ask them about what happens with you add drops to an already full cup of water.  We will be continuing with exploring liquids after the break.

In Math, we have been exploring non standard measurement and making estimates.  Students have been enjoying this topic as it is very hands on.

In writing, we have started looking at climbing stories.  This week focused on the parts of a climbing story.  After the break we will focusing on writing entertaining beginnings to our stories.

In Social Studies, we will be moving on to exploring Calgary after spring break as well as communities in the past. 

Thursday we gathered with all the grade 2's in the gym and we watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory in preparation for our play in April.  

Mrs. Allison Coulling 

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

RAZ passwords changed


Your student will be bringing home a new login for RAZ kids today.  I have changed the password from 2 pictures to a random 3 digit number.  The reason that I had to change all the students passwords were students we going on to other students accounts and spending their stars.  I had spoken the whole class after the first time and then it happened again with two other students.  We have had a long chat about this at school and how this is not showing responsibility.  I am hoping that this will help.  If you have any issues with logging on please let me know.


Mrs. Coulling 

Sunday, March 13, 2022

A few notes

 Hello Parents,

Just a quick note about library books.  All library books will be due this Thursday March 17th.  Students will not be taking home library books over Spring Break.  We will go back to the learning commons Thursday March 31st and students can choose new books.

Thursday is a casual day for St. Patricks today.  Students are encouraged to wear green.

Friday is our last day before Spring Break and is also a casual day. 

Looking forward to a great week,

Mrs. Coulling 

Friday, March 11, 2022

March 7th to 11th

It was so nice to speak with you all virtually over the past two days.  It is always nice to have a check in and connect.  

One more week until Spring Break!  There will be homework posted this Sunday that will be due Friday March 18th.  There will be no homework posted over the break.  The next homework will be posted Sunday March 27th and due April 1st.  I hope that you enjoy the break.

We have an artist coming to the school Monday, March 28th to do felt art with the grade two students.  I am looking for 4-5 volunteers for this.  Our time is from 9 to 11 am.  If you are able to volunteer please let me know.  I have one parent already committed.  

This week in gym students participated in Mission Impossible which was a big hit!

In math we worked on some problem solving using a calendar.  This will be reinforced in the homework posted Sunday.  We also began our look at non standard measurement and measured heights using blocks, glue sticks, scissors etc.

In Science we are continuing our exploration of liquids.  Next week will be look at the properties of different liquids.

Have a great weekend.

Mrs. Coulling 

Thursday, March 10, 2022

Volunteers Needed

In-school field trip: Our class has another in-school field trip opportunity coming up on Monday, March 28th. Students will be participating in an art felting lesson from 9-11am. Please send me an email if you are available to volunteer. We will need 4-5 volunteers for the event to run as smoothly as possible. Thanks!

Friday, March 4, 2022

March 4th


Only two more weeks until Spring Break!  There is no school next Friday.  We will be having virtual parent interviews next Thursday March 10th from 4 to 8 pm and Friday from 8 to noon.  Please sign up for a time  to meet with me for 15 minutes to discuss your child's progress.  There will be homework posted on Sunday that is due Thursday March 10th, this is also when the spelling test will be. 

On Wednesday we had Teacher's Pet for an in school field trip.  This was a great introduction to our new Science Unit of Exploring Liquids.

Students were excited to change a liquid into a solid and sample a lemonade slushy.  We also learned about density, absorbency, evaporation.  

We will be continuing to look at this topic into April.

Social Studies - we have finished a google slides project in partners going deeper into one aspect of one of the three countries on study.

Next week we will be looking at the water crisis in Iqaluit as it ties into Social Studies as well as the Science topic of water.

We will be finishing instructional writing next week and starting climbing stories.  Next week students will be doing a final instructional writing piece. 

In math we have been continuing with addition and subtraction of two digit numbers.  Must students have this concept now.  If they are still struggling I will be mentioning it in your interview.  Next week we will be working on some problem solving using a calendar as well as starting non standard measurement before spring break.

Have a good weekend,

Mrs. Coulling