Friday, March 18, 2022

March 14th to 18th

First of all I hope that all of you have a great Spring Break and enjoy the time with your family.  Looks like we are going to have some great Spring weather.

We are back on Monday March 28th and we have a special guest coming that day to work with us on some felt art.  I have 4 volunteers but I can have one more if you would like to volunteer and have your current volunteer clearance please let me know.  Our time is 9:00 to 11:00.

There will be no homework posted for Spring Break.  Homework will be posted Sunday, March 27th and due Friday, April 1st.   I sent home a copy of our class photo in your child's homework folder today.

We had a fun week at school.  Here is what we were up to:

In Science we have continue to explore water and other liquids.  On Monday, we looked at different mystery liquids to see if we could identify them.  On Tuesday we raced different liquids down a cookie sheet and discussed viscosity.  Students also got to explore water droplets using medicine or eye droppers.  You can ask them about what happens with you add drops to an already full cup of water.  We will be continuing with exploring liquids after the break.

In Math, we have been exploring non standard measurement and making estimates.  Students have been enjoying this topic as it is very hands on.

In writing, we have started looking at climbing stories.  This week focused on the parts of a climbing story.  After the break we will focusing on writing entertaining beginnings to our stories.

In Social Studies, we will be moving on to exploring Calgary after spring break as well as communities in the past. 

Thursday we gathered with all the grade 2's in the gym and we watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory in preparation for our play in April.  

Mrs. Allison Coulling