Hello Parents,
I hope that you had a good week. We had a busy week at school. We are in full rehearsal mode getting ready for Willy Wonka on April 21st. If you have not returned your ticket form and money please do so ASAP.
When I was going over the student's homework today one thing that I noticed were a lot of students were having difficulty with the writing. Specifically a lot of them wrote whole stories. We are really narrowing in on a great beginning that is 4 to 6 sentences long. The beginning is focussed on introducing the character(s) and the setting. Students will be practicing this writing great beginnings again next week in school and in the homework.
Your child is bringing home their mad minutes from this week to share with you. There is one for addition and one for subtraction. This is going to be part of the homework starting Sunday as well. In class students graph their results to look at how they have been doing over time and set a goal for themselves. You can ask them about this.
This week in math we continued our look at measurement. We did centres this week which allows me to work with the students in a small group to really hear and see their understanding. Students enjoyed trying out the balance scales, estimating and measuring each other, looking at capacity and more.
In Science we looked at evaporation as well as looking at what happens when you put celery into coloured water. This is intended to spark the thinking about clean water and how all living things rely on water.
In Social Studies we are continuing to look at Calgary and draw comparisons to what we know about Meteghan, Saskatoon and Iqaluit.
In art this week students learned about the famous painter Georges Seurat and his pointillism art. Students attempted to make their own art in his style using a q tip to make the points.
I think that they turned out very well!
Have a great weekend.
Mrs. Coulling