I hope that everyone is enjoying this beautiful weather for November!
We had a full week this week.
Here are some of the things that we have been up to:
We spent some time looking at strategies for estimation for quantities up to 100. We also looked at using a referent to help estimate. That is if I can see what ten of the item looks like then I can make a better guess.
We also worked on a problem this week that used patterning. Students were able to solve the problem by making a chart or drawing a photo. This led to a discussion about how multiple ways can lead us to the same answer.
In Science we are just finishing up our unit of Small Crawling and Flying animals. Next week students will do an assessment to show all that they are learned.
In Social Studies we looked at the culture and the different traditions and celebrations in Meteghan.
In Language Arts. Students worked on using similes in their writing. This will be part of the homework for the next two weeks. Students were asked to write similes about their moms. Next week we will write about dads. We also continued to work on our reading comprehension through retell fiction stories we are reading. Students are asked to identify the setting, characters, problem, attempts to solve the problem and solution. As you are reading at home you can also ask your child about these things.
In gym students are working on a listening unit. On Thursday the got to be builders. You can ask them about it, it was a great class and they enjoyed the 4 missions.
Just a quick note about the homework since next week is a three day week with Remembrance Day and a PD day on Friday. The homework and spelling test will be due on Friday November 19th so not next Wednesday.
Grade 2's are putting on the assembly so that link will be shared with you. You can see our classes contributions.
Have a good weekend,
Mrs. Coulling