Friday, November 19, 2021

Updates up to November 19th


I hope that everyone is doing well.  It was so nice to see the students in their hip hop attire today at school.  You will be getting a link on Monday with our classes video that we made today.  Students were so engaged this week in learning the dance.

Just a reminder that next week is parent teacher conferences.  They are scheduled for Thursday November 25th from 4 to 8 pm and Friday November 26th from 8 am to 12 pm.  If you have not have a chance to sign up for an interview please do so.  This is a great opportunity for us to connect about your child and talk about any concerns that you have or I have in the classroom.  Because of this just a reminder there will be no school Friday, November 26th.  

Here are some curriculum updates

Math - this week we have been doing math centres in order to review some of the number concepts that we have been working on including addition and subtraction.  One of the centres was working in a small group with me focusing on number lines.  I have noticed that this is an area where many students are having some difficulty.  We focused on numbers to 100.  

Science - We have finished our Small, Crawling and Flying animals unit.  Students are bringing home their labelled diagrams and information about the 5 animals we focused one.  We began Magnetism this week. Students seem very keen to start the unit.  It is a lot of hands on experiments so that is always enjoyable for students.

Social Studies - We have finished our in depth look at Meteghan which was our first community of study.  Students should be able to tell you about the geography, culture, people, natural resources, goods and services about this village.  Next week we will be starting to learn about Iqaluit, Nunavut, our next community of study.

Language Arts - Students have continued to work on their reading strategies and comprehension.  Our comprehension focus has been on making connections.  Connections to self, connections the world and text to text connections.    In writing, we have continued with walking stories.  Studies have focused on adding description to their writing through their senses and the use of similes.   Next week will be be doing some targeted work on editing.

I look forward to seeing you virtually at conferences next week,

Mrs. Coulling