Friday, May 27, 2022

May 27th


Just a reminder we have our field trip to the Leighton Center on Monday May 30th.  It is an all day field trip we expect to leave at 8:30 and be back about 2:15 in time for regular buses and pick up.  A portion of this field trip is outdoors so please make sure that your child is dressed for whatever the weather is on Monday.  

Students enjoyed our in school field trip Teacher's Pet Boats and Buoyancy Thursday.  Here are a few pictures.  Students brought home the paddle boat that they constructed to share with you.

We also worked out the Science outcomes of making a floating object (a plastic container) sink and a sinking object (a rock) float.

In Social Studies students will be beginning a research project next week on a famous Albertan.  Now that we are nearing the end of grade 2 students are ready to do some more independent research.

In math we have been looking at 3D objects including their faces, edges and vertex or vertices.  Next week we will be making some 3D object using nets.  We also did some problem solving practice this week.

In writing we began looking at writing extended endings for our stories.  This will be part of next weeks homework.  Next week will be putting stories all together with an entertaining beginning, main event with a problem and 3 attempts and an extended ending. 

Have a good weekend,

Mrs. Coulling